Events Programme
  • Wednesday, February 28, 2024
  • 10:30 - 12:00
  • Memo
  • Hydrogen Arena B2 Pav.
  • Italian
  • organized by Hannover Fairs International GmbH

The integration of hydrogen into the European energy landscape is poised to play a crucial role in achieving ambitious climate targets. As the continent strives for decarbonization, hydrogen emerges as a versatile solution with immense potential to curb greenhouse gas emissions across various sectors, including industry. However, despite its promise, the widespread adoption of hydrogen presents formidable challenges for European industries. Transitioning towards hydrogen-based processes necessitates substantial investments in infrastructure, technology innovation, and regulatory frameworks. Furthermore, industries reliant on carbon-intensive processes face the daunting task of reconfiguring their operations to align with decarbonization objectives. This panel discusses the dual narrative of hydrogen's contribution to European climate targets and the concomitant challenges confronting industries as they navigate the transition towards a low-carbon future.


Contribution of hydrogen to the European climate targets 

 10.30 – 10.40   Apertura e messaggi di benvenuto

Corrado Peraboni, CEO Italian Exhibition Group
Jochen Köckler, Chairman of the Managing Board, Deutsche Messe AG

10.40 – 11.20   Hydrogen best-Cases 

Henning Uck, Special Projects Manager, GP JOULE Hydrogen
Decentralized ecosystems for green hydrogen production as an accelerator of energy transformation

Valentina Dondi, Sales Director Chemical O&G Vertical market, Siemens Spa
A technology and reliable partner along the hydrogen value chain

Challenges for European industry due to decarbonisation 

 11.20 – 12.00   Impulse and Panel discussion 

Luca Giacomelli, Senior Sales Manager, Erredue
L'idrogeno come elemento fondamentale dell'economia circolare a impatto zero: analisi di due casi di successo

Cristina Maggi, Project Manager, H2IT
Le condizioni politiche e normative per lo sviluppo di un mercato italiano delle applicazioni dell'idrogeno.

Tavola Rotonda

Erredue – Luca Giacomelli
H2IT – Cristina Maggi
GP JOULE – Henning Uck
SIEMENS – Valentina Dondi

Barbara Gasperini,Journalist, author | Green & Blue | La Repubblica

Conclusion: greetings and thanks