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Press release n. 12 of the 29/02/2024 9.25.47 ( download )

A privileged opportunity to analyse the evolution of the Italian electricity system in view of the medium- and long-term decarbonisation objectives, in order to design a coordinated strategy for renewables, storage and grids in Italy that focuses on system governance as the key to transition. This was the opening objective of the KEY ENERGY SUMMIT, held in the afternoon of the first day of KEY - The Energy Transition Expo, currently ongoing at Rimini Expo Centre. The meeting was introduced by greetings from Corrado Peraboni, CEO of Italian Exhibition Group, who said: ´Our intention is to create an annual event, as already happens at Ecomondo for the green economy, where we take stock of energy transition and sustainability issues with institutions and companies.´
´To best govern such a complex energy governance system,´ commented Alessandro Marangoni, CEO of Althesys, who outlined the study entitled ´System governance, the key to transition. A coordinated strategy for renewables, storage and grids to decarbonise Italy´, ´it is now more necessary than ever to have a single, stable vision capable of harmonising all the elements involved: authorisations, support mechanisms, eligible areas, development of national and local grids and other infrastructure. Failure to coordinate the various measures could cause economic damage to the system and jeopardise energy transition.´
The presentation of the Althesys study was followed by the Round Table on ´The proposals of Renewable Energy Associations´ which, said Gianni Silvestrini, President of KEY´s Technical Scientific Committee and moderator of the event, ´are a fundamental element for creating consensus on the one hand, and for defining objectives and issues on the other.´ The meeting was attended by Simone Togni (ANEV), Alberto Pinori (ANIE Rinnovabili), Piero Gattoni (Consorzio Italiano Biogas), Attilio Piattelli (Coordinamento Free), Agostino Re Rebaudengo (Elettricità Futura), Paolo Picco (FederIdroelettrica) and Paolo Maria Rocco Viscontini (Italia Solare).
The Summit concluded with a speech by the Minister for the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin.

The inclusion of hydrogen in the European energy context plays a key role in pursuing ambitious sustainability targets. As Europe strives to decarbonise, hydrogen offers a versatile solution with vast potential in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in several sectors, including manufacturing. Despite the positive outlook, the wide adoption of hydrogen poses significant challenges for European industries. The conference ´Hydrogen + Fuell Cells´ - organised by Hannover Fairs International GmbH and Italian Exhibition Group (IEG) and held today at KEY-The Energy Transition Expo - explored the dual role of hydrogen in the context of Europe´s climate goals and the concomitant challenges that industries must face during the transition to a low-carbon economy.
The initiative opened with greetings from Corrado Peraboni, CEO of IEG (Italian Exhibition Group), and Jochen Köckler, Chairman of the Managing Board, Deutsche Messe AG, who emphasised the role of hydrogen as a cornerstone of energy transition. In fact, this vector is at the heart of several projects located throughout Europe and presented at the conference, such as ´eFarm North Friesland´, the largest . and already operational - initiative in Germany that is deploying green hydrogen within the mobility sector. In Figline Valdarno, Italy, on the other hand, a veritable ´hydrogen valley´ is taking shape through the redevelopment of an old, disused industrial plant.

The Built4People project, an important initiative for innovation and sustainability in built-up areas, was presented this morning at Italian Exhibition Group´s KEY event. Speakers included Pietro De Bonis, EU Commission Representative, Stephen Richardson, World GBC Representative on the B4P Partnership Board, Clemente Fuggini, Rina - MultiClimact Project, Alessandro Lodigiani, R2M Solutions, Luigi Perrisich, Secretary General for Federcostruzioni. The aspects on which the meeting focused concerned urban regeneration in favour not only of energy efficiency, but also of the well-being and safety of people in the built-up environment. The most relevant topics included technological innovation and environmental neutrality, no longer just on a local level, but increasingly on a larger scale, trying to involve as many nations as possible. The key word was sharing views and opinions to broaden the concept of sustainability in its entirety, in other words, environmental, social and economic. The goal: to converge energy efficiency with all the other dimensions of built-up areas to a maximum.

Focus on the Ministry for the Environment and Energy Security´s latest regulatory updates and the GSE´s technical rules for Renewable Energy Communities at the Emilia-Romagna Region´s stand: a full morning, ranging from specialised studies on the return to different types of widespread self-consumption configurations, to varying methodologies for calculating incentives and the redistribution of economic benefits. A discussion was held on how the various players in the distribution and dispatching of electricity are gearing up to support this transition. Local authorities and industry associations spoke about how each of them has a role to play in implementing the change. In the afternoon on the first day of KEY, ongoing at Rimini Expo Centre until 1st March, the role of municipalities and unions in the Region´s energy transition was explored through an analysis of the mapping of services activated in the area and the results of SECAP (Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan) monitoring. The first projects resulting from the regional call for proposals dedicated to promoting and supporting system actions for energy transition in Local Authorities as well as new financing opportunities were presented.

Event: International trade show; Organiser: Italian Exhibition Group S.p.A.; Frequency: annual; Edition: 2nd; Dates: 28th February -1st March 2024; mail; Website:; Facebook:; Twitter:; LinkedIn:

head of media & corporate communication: Elisabetta Vitali; press office manager: Marco Forcellini; international press office manager: Silvia Giorgi; press office specialist: Luca Paganin, Mirko Malgieri;

MEDIA AGENCY: Smartitaly Communications
Sara Scatena,, mob. +39 338 7836985; Arianna Geli,, mob. +39 347 0917903

This press release contains forecast elements and estimates that reflect the management´s current opinions (´forward-looking statements´), particularly regarding future management performance, realization of investments, cash flow trends and the evolution of the financial structure. For their very nature, forward-looking statements have a component of risk and uncertainty, as they depend on the occurrence of future events. The effective results may differ (even significantly) from those announced, due to numerous factors, including, only by way of example: food service market and tourist flow trends in Italy, gold and jewellery market trends, green economy market trends; the evolution of raw material prices; general macroeconomic conditions; geopolitical factors and evolutions in the legislative framework. Moreover, the information contained in this release, does not claim to be complete, and has not been verified by independent third parties. Forecasts, estimates and objectives contained herein are based on the information available to the Company as at the date of this release.